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Hasan Ahmad (AFA Parent)

From its very inception, I had been hearing that AFA was taking a fresh and innovative approach to parochial education.  When my own children began to attend AFA about 7 years ago, I witnessed firsthand the comprehensive approach AFA took to developing the whole student – in mind, in character, and in spirit.  However, it was not until I started working with the middle-school students as a volunteer debate coach that I understood the true value of an AFA education.  I was impressed by the students’ ability to master complex issues such as foreign relations, healthcare policy, and education policy at such a young age.  I was heartened at their ability to think critically and communicate eloquently.  I was moved by the humility and dignity with which they conducted themselves.  They had a keen intellectual curiosity and a passion for social justice.  These young students were ready to take on the challenges of the world, with grace and empathy to boot.  It was then that I realized AFA was a treasure that must be preserved. 

Riyaad Azad (AFA Alumnus)

As an Al Fatih Academy alumnus, I take great pride in knowing that I am part of a much larger community. Even though it has been nearly three years since I advanced to a public high school, I always feel welcomed whenever I visit Al Fatih Academy. Al Fatih Academy has not only prepared me to excel in my studies and embrace Islam but also to face the world as a confident young American Muslim, in a time where traditions are being attacked and the status quo movement is being touted as the only way to go. I’ve constantly said this, and I stand by my words: Al Fatih Academy has delivered on its purpose of “Opening Young Minds to Great Wonders,” and I have no doubt that they will continue to do so. The teachers at Al Fatih Academy are true masters of their art, and I hold great respect for them. In today’s polarized society, it is comforting to know that educational institutions like Al Fatih Academy are still the best sanctuaries for a young Muslim living in a divided world to be educated about yesterday, live today, and work for tomorrow. I am honored to call myself an Al Fatih Academy alumnus, and I wish the students and faculty all the best.

Raef (Musician, Entertainer)

...I know I've said this before, but what you have going on at AFA is truly special. There's a warmth the school community has and I was very happy to be there to experience just a piece of it .... the kahoot! trivia at the end was really fun :)

Taslim Satya (AFA Parent)

Ten years ago, when I registered my firstborn at Al Fatih Academy I was happy to have found a place where she would spend her time away from home and expand her horizons. Little did I know that I have found not only a school for my kids’ education, but a community of extremely dedicated professionals that would prove to be my village in raising them - shaping up their personalities, instilling in them the values of righteousness with utmost sincerity and love. Al Fatih Academy has nurtured them to be contributing citizens, respectful little members of community circles they belong to and life-long passionate learners. AFA has played an immensely critical role in individuals my kids are growing up to be. I am so grateful to be able to contribute in supporting the vision and mission of this uniquely special place.

Former AFA Parent

Dr. Smeena Khan

AFA Teacher and Parent

Mariam Khan