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2020 - Year in Review
Dear Al Fatih Academy Friends and Family- 
As-salāmu ʿalaykum!
We hope this message finds you and your family with the best of health - in body, spirit and mind. 
As this year comes to a close, many of us reflect on 2020 and make resolutions for the coming year. Much of the unprecedented experiences we had together this year will no doubt inform and guide what we hope to do in 2021. And we know that if nothing else, we have all grown in many ways this year, alhamdulillah. 
We’ve practiced  Rose, Thorn and Bud exercise at school and this helps us reflect on the past year as beautiful things, difficult challenges, and promising possibilities.
A very special thank you to parents who have stepped up to support their children with the best learning environments!
We thank our teachers and staff who have put in more than 200% intention, effort and diligence in making AFA Virtual School awesome and amazing!
We especially thank Allah for giving us opportunities to learn how to be connected to one another even through this virtual space. 
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